I had a few minutes before my train departed, I went to the German bakery at the Station, bought a croissant and the German style pizza bread. I boarded the train, found a seat in first class, I did not see my seat number listed on the ticket, so I just chose an empty compartment. Two German businessmen joined my compartment, I looked at my ticket again, realized I was in the wrong seat and decided to move. I moved to a compartment with two more German businessmen, took my window seat and read Stasiland on my Kindle. I don't think anyone cares about seat assignments on the trains, I just decided to move to my assigned seat today, not even sure why.
Somewhere between Berlin and Dresden I fell asleep on the train, I woke up when the train stopped in Dresden, the two German businessmen got off the train. I read a little more on my Kindle, looked up Dresden in my Europe Guide books and fell back asleep. After we crossed the border into the Czech Republic, or at least when I think we did, another person joined me in my compartment, I think she was Czech. I fell asleep on and off until we reached Prague.
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Lynnae in Prague's Town Square |
I walked around, then stopped in a money exchange place, asked the men if they spoke English, they said yes and gave me directions. The men at the money exchange were not Czech, they looked like they could be from East Africa, they were helpful, gave me a map with my hostel's location and pointed me in the right direction, I was grateful for their assistance. I left the money exchange place and walked in the direction they pointed me, trying to read the map they gave me too. Prague's streets are confusing, they remind me of Washington, DC. Prague is not laid out in a grid, the streets curve, end suddenly, change names and the street signs are not easy to find.
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Lynnae in front of Czechoslovakia's former Secret Police Headquarters |
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Lynnae in front of Nuclear Bunker in Prague |
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Lynnae in Nuclear Bunker Dressed up as a Communist |
I am only spending two nights and 3 days in Prague, 2 of the days are travel days, tomorrow is my only full day to explore the city. I decided I wanted to get in as much sightseeing today as possible, I looked at some brochures and saw the Communism Museum was open late, I decided to go check it out. The museum was small but interesting, it recounted the history of Communism in the Czech Republic and the country winning its independence from the Soviet Union.
I will add my photo album to the blog post as soon as I get to a hostel/country with a decent WIFI connection.
Day 1 in Prague Photo Album
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